How to create a mobile app without pc [easy]

Hutslers blog

I went to a friend of mine's house. He was a programmer. I met him writing java an python on his pc for a mobile app. I asked him if it's possible to create a mobile app without pc or coding? He said yes! it's possible to create a mobile app without pc or coding, because there's many apps with this function, Like sketchware. But I will show you how to create a mobile app with sketchware. Keeping reading to learn how to create a mobile app without pc or coding using sketchware. 
I'll be showing you how to create your android app without PC...... cool right!? But before I go please subscribe to my YouTube channel to see more interesting contents..

What is Sketchware?

Sketchware is a integrated development environment (IDE) stimulated from the language Scratch, which lets in you to develop, compile, and construct an Android application immediately on your smartphone, without any assist from a PC. ... Anyone can enjoy programming and create a running application via Sketchware.

How to install Sketchware?

Go to Google play store and search for "Sketchware " or download from this link Sketchware .

How to create your first app?

After you install Sketchware. 

Launch the Sketchware app and tap on the "+" floating action button (FAB) and it will take you to where you are going to name your app.

Now! You enter the application name that's the display name,after that choose the app colors,then write in your package name under package name and the project name,app version and tap on "create app" it will take you to the next screen where you start writing your app.
Also Read:how to hack winrar password with Android phone.
NB: Package name and application name are not the same the difference is, package name is shown when you are creating the app while application name is the app display name.

Tap and hold on the "text view" and drag it to the virtual device then change the width size to "match_parent" and press"select" 

And change the height to "match_parent" and press "select" 
After that go to the "text view"  widget settings and go-to the text button and press the text to Change the text to what you want to write on the text view after you finish writing what you want tap on the save button.
After you save the text press the back button and press the "run" button.
It will compile the app and install the app after the app is installed, press open .

This is how the app would look after you finished installing the app.
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